Earth Week Day Two: Energy



It is common knowledge that one way to save energy is by turning off devices once you are done using them or if you are leaving a room. But, as with many things in life, there are exceptions to this rule. Some devices still draw power when left plugged in, even if not in use. This waste or draw of electricity is commonly known as vampire power. You may also hear it referred to as standby power, phantom load, leaking energy, wall warts, ghost load, idle current, among other names. An easy and simple way to spot one of these devices is if the electric cord or plug has a brick or large box on it.

Top 5 Power Vampires:

1. Computer & related equipment (Wi-Fi systems)

2. LED, LCD & Rear-projection TVs

3. Surround sound systems

4. TV boxes (cable & satellite)

5. Devices that turn on instantly via remote control

The Department of Energy estimates ‘vampire appliances’ account for 10% of the energy used in an average home. Don’t worry, there is a solution to controlling these energy suckers!

1. Use smart power strips or surge protectors.

They make it extremely easy as they automatically cut off power to devices when they are not in use. Furthermore, these strips protect devices from power surges during storms or brownouts. There are even certain power strips on the market with built-in motion detectors that turn off power to devices when you leave the room for a certain programmable time. 

2. Please Standby.

With advances in technology, some devices contain ‘standby or sleep’ modes that can be activated which use a lower electrical load.

3. Unplug, unplug, unplug!

Consider unplugging seldom used electronics or appliances to eliminate the issue entirely!

4. Out with the old.

Consider replacing and updating old or broken devices and choosing more energy-efficient models.

Local Resources and Initiatives

GridRewards (Energy Demand Response)


 With zero investment in hardware or equipment of any sort, ConEd customers can easily take actions like turning off appliances and watch their energy usage drop -- in real-time -- on the GridRewards app. These behaviors translate into savings and actual payouts -- but hurry; you must enroll by April 30th. Learn more about how you can get paid for helping conserve energy at peak demand times here.

There is also an upcoming workshop tomorrow April 21st at 6:00 p.m. Learn more here!

Community Solar Campaign


Community Solar is a free, easy, no-strings-attached program that lets you support renewable energy AND keep more money in your wallet. Here’s how it works:  you subscribe to a large solar installation. The energy produced by that solar farm is delivered to the electric grid and subscribers receive a credit on their electricity bill based on their share of energy produced. Subscribers then pay the solar farm owner a discounted amount for that solar credit. The result? Savings of up to 10% off the entire electricity bill. Join the Rye Sustainability Committee and Sustainable Westchester for a workshop on May 5th or May 25th that explains it all.

ConEd Rebates and Incentives


ConEdison shares energy efficiency incentives and rebates for homeowners, renters, and business owners. Whether you’re a renter, homeowner, or business owner, you’ll find easy, energy efficiency incentives that are good for the planet, and great for your wallet.