Pollinate Now: A Bioregional Strategy for Habitat Restoration

Pollinators are integral to the web of life, pivotal links in our food and ecosystems. One in three bites of our food is the result of pollinators’ work. And yet, over half of New York’s native pollinator species is at risk of extirpation or has not been found since 2000.

Pollinate Now is a plan to create the largest pollinator corridor in the United States, spanning 51 Hudson Valley communities across four watersheds. It is a roadmap for biodiversity and ecological resilience in New York State built by community and based on science.

On Tuesday, December 5, Rye Nature Center hosted the speaker Evan Abramson, the driving force behind Pollinate Now. The presentation describes his vision for providing ways to support at-risk bees, butterflies and moths.

About the Speaker:

Evan Abramson, MSc is a designer and planner on a mission to rebuild biologically diverse ecosystems. Since 2019, Landscape Interactions has installed over 300 acres of habitat in the Northeast. He holds a Master of Science in Ecological Design from the Conway School of Landscape Design, Certificates in Permaculture Design and Biodynamic Gardening, and is the author of numerous publications. evan@landscapeinteractions.com


Link to the Guide
Download your free digital copy of Pollinate Now or purchase the book today.

Link to More Project Inspiration
Includes different designs, plant lists, and management plans to help you take action!